About Us
What is the significance of a “Redemptive Leader”?
Leaders come in many different forms . . . often when choosing a leader we are compelled to look at their training, background, gifts and experience. All of these things are important to the value of leaders to the people they lead. But a Redemptive Leader understands that, as important as these aspects are, their true value flows out the quality of Character. A Redemptive Leader is formed from the inside out. This leader is followed by others because of Trust. We trust Redemptive Leaders because they have walked with Christ faithfully and authentically, and they have allowed the experiences of life to transform them slowly, but surely, into someone who brings the presence and power of Jesus Christ to each moment. Their gifts and skills are formed and energized by the transforming work of Christ in their lives and relationships. Because this is true, it changes how a leader is trained and empowered to lead others.
Redemptive Leadership International was birthed out of deep desire to see Character returned to the center of spiritual leadership training and qualification. In the midst of his almost 5 decades of pastoral ministry, Pastor Tim Lusk began to see the desperate need for spiritual leaders to be equipped and empowered through life experiences that were used by Christ to forge a deeply Christlike character, a passion for Christ’s vision, and an authentic love for the object of Christ’s purposes: the spiritually lost people of the world, in desperate need of Gospel transformation and authentic Christlike shepherding. Out of this great need, RLI was born.
Will you join us today with your prayers and your resources as we devote ourselves to following Christ into the spiritually dark places of the world, where the “needs are the greatest and the resources are the least"?